How to download FIFA MOBILE 22 (FIFA Soccer) APK+OBB for Mobile devices?

FIFA Mobile Loading Screen
Image: FIFA Mobile

FIFA MOBILE 22 (FIFA Soccer) is the latest edition of the popular FIFA Franchise for Mobile Devices. 

The total game size to download is around 89MB. 

Step by Step guide to download APK & OBB for FIFA Mobile 22:

  1. Download the APK & OBB (Game files) from this 'link',
  2. Scroll down and click Download-link,
    You will be redirected to Google Drive, just click Download to start the downloading.
    (Choose Google Play link if you can as it is the best option!) 
  3. After downloading the game go to 'this link' and download APK Installer,
    This app is needed to install the '.xapk' format.
  4. When both files (The Game Files & APK Installer) are downloaded, install, and open APK Installer,
    - Click Install APKs,
    - Choose Internal File Picker,
    - Now, locate the folder where the game has been downloaded. The game file is named 'FIFA Mobile'
    - When you find the files, just select and install them from the app.
    Note: It may take time to install the game, so go take some meditation!
    - You may receive a screen saying 'Install from unknown sources' and just give the permission. IT IS REQUIRED!
  5. Great! Now you can enjoy the game.

Direct Link:

Gameplay of FIFA Soccer

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